For the past couple years, the Interpretation commentaries have consistently been one of our most-requested commentary sets. Now, we are pleased to announce that this commentary set will be available for Logos users. This is your last chance to pre-order an essential commentary set at a steep discount!
“The Interpretation series is an invaluable resource for any leader or scholar interested in interpreting the biblical text to the broader church.”
—Brian K. Blount, Union Theological Seminary
“. . . A rich source for teaching and preaching. They have tapped the talents of a varied and esteemed group of contributors, resulting in what is clearly the essential comprehensive commentary series on the Bible.”
—W. Eugene March, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
What’s so special about Interpretation? This commentary offers a full interpretation of the biblical text, and it combines historical scholarship with theological purpose. It brings an understanding of what the text says into dialogue with the critical questions and problems of contemporary life and faith. That makes it an essential addition to the libraries of both pastors and scholars.
Interpretation revives the neglected art of expository writing that explains the books of the Bible as the Holy Scripture of a church active at worship and work. Teachers, preachers, and all serious students of the Bible will find here an interpretation that takes serious hermeneutical responsibility for the contemporary meaning and significance of the biblical text.
Key Features
- Interpretation contains contributions from top biblical scholars, including Walter Brueggemann, Thomas G. Long, Thomas C. Oden, Ralph P. Martin, Richard B. Hays, Paul Achtemeier, Joseph Blenkinsopp, Terence E. Fretheim, and more.
- The commentaries deal with whole portions or sections of text that are used in teaching and preaching rather than with individual verses and words.
- Exegetical study and hermeneutical reflection are integrated into one readable expository essay.
- Each volume of this series clarifies the sense of the text’s language in its literary-historical context and reflects on the meaning of the text in light of its use in the liturgy and the theology of the church.
- Each commentary contains a detailed introduction.
- The commentary suggests ways in which the text addresses faith and life today.
Individual Titles
- Genesis, Walter Brueggemann
- Exodus, Terence E. Fretheim
- Leviticus, Samuel E. Balentine
- Numbers, Dennis T. Olson
- Deuteronomy, Patrick D. Miller
- Joshua, Jerome F. D. Creach
- Judges, J. Clinton McCann
- Ruth, Katharine Doob Sakenfeld
- First and Second Samuel, Walter Brueggemann
- First and Second Kings, Richard D. Nelson
- First and Second Chronicles, Steven S. Tuell
- Ezra & Nehemiah, Mark A. Throntveit
- Esther, Carol M. Bechtel
- Job, J. Gerald Janzen
- Psalms, James Luther Mays
- Proverbs, Leo G. Perdue
- Ecclesiastes, William P. Brown
- Song of Songs, Robert W. Jenson
- Isaiah: Chapters 1 through 39, Christopher R. Seitz
- Isaiah: Chapters 40–66, Paul D. Hanson
- Jeremiah, R. E. Clements
- Lamentations, F. W. Dobbs-Allsopp
- Ezekiel, Joseph Blenkinsopp
- Daniel, W. Sibley Towner
- Hosea to Micah, James Limburg
- Nahum to Malachi, Elizabeth Achtemeier
- Matthew, Douglas R. A. Hare
- Mark, Lamar Williamson, Jr.
- Luke, Fred B. Craddock
- John, Gerard Sloyan
- Acts, William H. Willimon
- Romans, Paul Achtemeier
- First Corinthians, Richard B. Hays
- Second Corinthians, Ernest Best
- Galatians, Charles B. Cousar
- Ephesians, Colossians & Philemon, Ralph P. Martin
- Philippians, Fred B. Craddock
- First and Second Thessalonians, Beverly Roberts Gaventa
- First & Second Timothy and Titus, Thomas C. Oden
- Hebrews, Thomas G. Long
- First & Second Peter, James and Jude, Pheme Perkins
- First, Second & Third John, D. Moody Smith
- Revelation, M. Eugene Boring
Benefits of the Logos Bible Software Edition
With the Logos Bible Software edition all Scripture passages in Interpretation are tagged to original language texts and English translations. This makes these resources more powerful and easier to access than ever before for scholarly work or personal Bible study. Even better, results from Interpretation will integrate into your Passage Guide, which means you’ll be able to find commentary on the text you’re preaching on or studying faster than ever!
Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching (INT) (43 vols.)
Retail Price: $1,290.78
Pre-Pub Price: $699.95
Please visit the website for all the details at:
The flagship journal of the Society of Biblical Literature, The Journal of Biblical Literature promotes critical and academic biblical scholarship and brings the highest level of scholarly expertise to bear on the study of biblical literature.
The Logos edition of The Journal of Biblical Literature gives you access to nearly 20,000 pages of articles, reviews, and news published between 1981 and 2006, written by top scholars from the past two decades of biblical scholarship. Don’t miss your chance to add one of today’s most important journals on biblical scholarship to your library!
The Society of Biblical Literature is the oldest and largest international scholarly membership organization in the field of biblical studies. Founded in 1880, the Society has grown to over 8,500 international members including teachers, students, religious leaders and individuals from all walks of life who share a mutual interest in the critical investigation of the Bible. The Journal of Biblical Literature contains the best scholarship the Society has to offer.
Key Features
- 19,968 pages of articles and reviews
- Lengthy book review section which covers the latest and most important publications from around the world
- Annual index
- Contributions from top scholars on the latest research in biblical scholarship
Individual Titles
- Journal of Biblical Literature, 1981
- Journal of Biblical Literature, 1982
- Journal of Biblical Literature, 1983
- Journal of Biblical Literature, 1984
- Journal of Biblical Literature, 1985
- Journal of Biblical Literature, 1986
- Journal of Biblical Literature, 1987
- Journal of Biblical Literature, 1988
- Journal of Biblical Literature, 1989
- Journal of Biblical Literature, 1990
- Journal of Biblical Literature, 1991
- Journal of Biblical Literature, 1992
- Journal of Biblical Literature, 1993
- Journal of Biblical Literature, 1994
- Journal of Biblical Literature, 1995
- Journal of Biblical Literature, 1996
- Journal of Biblical Literature, 1997
- Journal of Biblical Literature, 1998
- Journal of Biblical Literature, 1999
- Journal of Biblical Literature, 2000
- Journal of Biblical Literature, 2001
- Journal of Biblical Literature, 2002
- Journal of Biblical Literature, 2003
- Journal of Biblical Literature, 2004
- Journal of Biblical Literature, 2005
- Journal of Biblical Literature, 2006
Benefits of the Logos Bible Software Edition
The powerful search tools in Logos give you instant access to all of the content in The Journal of Biblical Literature. You can search by author, topic, and Scripture passage—and find it all instantly. What’s more, Scripture texts are linked to the Greek and Hebrew texts—and the wealth of language resources in your digital library—and links within each volume of the journal allow you to quickly move from the table of contents to the index to the articles you need and back again. Save yourself from turning pages, cross-referencing citations, and unnecessarily complex research projects. The Logos edition of The Journal of Biblical Literature also allows you to cut and paste the content you need for citations—and automatically create footnotes in your document using your preferred style guide.
With The Journal of Biblical Literature, combined with the power of Logos, you have the most important tools you need for your research projects, sermon preparation, and biblical study!
The Journal of Biblical Literature (26 vols.)
Retail Price: $5,070.00
Pre-Pub Price: $149.95
Please visit the website for all the details at:
“An expert on the sprawling literature of the 1st through 6th century rabbis who shaped modern Judaism, Neusner is an empire builder, a central figure in wrestling an examination of Judaism into America's universities.”
The Talmud is a compilation of rabbinic discussions that comprise the foundation of Jewish law and tradition. They are two of the most important documents for understanding Judaism, ancient and modern. They are by far the two largest components of the dozen or so early Jewish documents that together form the “Oral Torah”—that is, the teachings passed down by word-of-mouth and codified into writings that, alongside the Hebrew Bible, are normative for Jewish faith and practice.
The Talmuds shed light on ancient Jewish life and thought, making them essential for studying ancient Judaism. They are often used to explain Jewish practices mentioned in the New Testament, which makes them invaluable for New Testament study.
Logos is proud to offer the English translations of both The Babylonian Talmud and The Jerusalem Talmud, edited by the celebrated scholar of Judaism, Jacob Neusner. Reading the Talmud in the original Aramaic and Hebrew requires special training because of the compact “encoding” and formulae of the compositions. Neusner’s English translation, however, provides parenthetical expansions of the text and make them accessible to a much wider audience. He also structures these texts using an outline format which visually conveys the thought structure of the original texts.
“Jacob Neusner is the most published Judaic scholar of our time and an internationally renowned expert in Talmudic literature.”
—Review of Biblical Literature
Neusner is the author and editor of over nine hundred books, and his translations of Hebrew and Aramaic works are studied all over the world. These insightful translations provide a gateway into two of the most complex works ever created, and lead to enhanced understanding of rabbinic Judaism and the Jewish practices that form the backdrop to the New Testament.
Pre-Order It Now:
Key Features
- Insightful introductions to each edition
- Detailed introduction to each tractate
- Linked to Neusner’s translation of the Mishnah
- Over 25,000 searchable pages
- Already linked to from many resources already available in Logos.
- Contain data-type milestones, tagging, and linking that isn’t found in other print or PDF editions.
- Navigable and linkable by either Neusner’s own structural outline numbers or the traditional folio numbers.
- Bible references are linked to the original languages texts and English translations in your library.
Individual Titles
- The Jerusalem Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 1
- The Jerusalem Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 2
- The Jerusalem Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 3
- The Jerusalem Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 4
- The Jerusalem Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 5
- The Jerusalem Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 6
- The Jerusalem Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 7
- The Jerusalem Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 8
- The Jerusalem Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 9
- The Jerusalem Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 10
- The Jerusalem Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 11
- The Jerusalem Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 12
- The Jerusalem Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 13
- The Jerusalem Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 14
- The Jerusalem Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 15
- The Jerusalem Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 16
- The Jerusalem Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 17
- The Jerusalem Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 18
- The Jerusalem Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 19
- The Jerusalem Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 20
- The Jerusalem Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 21
- The Jerusalem Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 22
- The Jerusalem Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 23
- The Jerusalem Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 24
- The Jerusalem Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 25
- The Jerusalem Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 26
- The Jerusalem Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 27
- The Jerusalem Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 28
- The Babylonian Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 1
- The Babylonian Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 2
- The Babylonian Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 3
- The Babylonian Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 4
- The Babylonian Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 5
- The Babylonian Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 6
- The Babylonian Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 7
- The Babylonian Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 8
- The Babylonian Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 9
- The Babylonian Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 10
- The Babylonian Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 11
- The Babylonian Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 12
- The Babylonian Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 13
- The Babylonian Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 14
- The Babylonian Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 15
- The Babylonian Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 16
- The Babylonian Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 17
- The Babylonian Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 18
- The Babylonian Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 19
- The Babylonian Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 20
- The Babylonian Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 21
- The Babylonian Talmud, A Translation and Commentary, vol. 22
Benefits of the Logos Bible Software Edition
The Talmuds are already linked to from many resources already available in Logos. Commentaries, Bible dictionaries, and other reference works already in Logos cite the Talmuds extensively. For example, there are more than 13,000 links in existing Logos resources to the Berakoth tractate—and that’s just one of 49 tractates! Some of those are related Mishnah references instead of Talmud references (they share the same tractate names) but Berakoth is just one of 49 tractates covered in the Talmuds, and this count doesn’t include books we will produce in the future.
The Logos editions also contain data-type milestones, tagging, and linking that isn’t found in print or PDF editions. For example, PDFs are organized around Neusner’s chapter numbers, but these works are almost universally cited by folio number and an A or B to indicate which side of the folio. This creates complications for anyone tracking down citations—or using the Talmuds for their own scholarly work. The Logos edition will be navigable and linkable by either Neusner’s own structural outline numbers or the traditional folio numbers. References to the Mishnah and the Bible will also be tagged as well, making this edition even more useful than the PDFs or print.
Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmud Collection (50 vols.)
Retail Price: $1,199.95
Pre-Pub Price: $159.95
Please visit the website for all the details at:
“. . . Well-grounded in scholarship, accessible, and intensely contemporary.”
—Walter Brueggemann, Professor Emeritus, Columbia Theological Seminary
N. T. Wright is one of today’s most important and well-known theologians. His work touches many disciplines—New Testament backgrounds, Pauline scholarship, the doctrine of justification, and much more. Wright’s large body of work has provided an impressive contribution to the Church, and we are pleased to be able to offer more of his works to Logos users.
Wright was named by Christianity Today as one of the world’s top five theologians and his words are accessible to a wide spectrum of readers: theologians, biblical scholars, church ministers, and laity alike. He has held New Testament professorships at McGill and Oxford, and he has served as the Bishop of Durham.
“Wright ranks among the most distinguished New Testament scholars in the world, and his profile as a churchman, writer and communicator is simply outstanding.”
—Ivor Davidson, St. Andrews University
“Wright has done it again. He has written a book characterized by his usual punchy verve and ‘big picture’ thinking. He says some things so wonderfully well one cannot but be grateful for his contribution.”
—D. A. Carson, on Evil and the Justice of God
This 34-volume collection not only features Wright’s well-loved book, Simply Christian, but also 15 New Testament commentaries, resources on eschatology, the life of Jesus, the Lord’s prayer, the authority of Scripture, and much more. Don’t miss out on your chance to add this collection to your library at a phenomenal price. Pre-order it now!
Key Features
- Contains 15 New Testament commentaries
- Volumes on New Testament backgrounds, Pauline scholarship, the doctrine of justification, and more.
- Includes the bestselling Simply Christian
Individual Titles
- Acts for Everyone, vol. 1
- Acts for Everyone, vol. 2
- Evil and the Justice of God
- Following Jesus: Biblical Reflection on Christian Discipleship
- For All God's Worth
- For All the Saints? Remembering the Christian Departed
- Hebrews for Everyone
- John for Everyone, vol. 1
- John for Everyone, vol. 2
- Luke for Everyone
- Mark for Everyone
- Matthew for Everyone, vol. 1
- Matthew For Everyone, vol. 2
- Paul for Everyone: 1 Corinthians
- Paul for Everyone: 2 Corinthians
- Paul for Everyone: Galatians and Thessalonians
- Paul for Everyone: Romans, vol. 1
- Paul for Everyone: Romans, vol. 2
- Paul for Everyone: The Pastoral Letters
- Paul for Everyone: The Prison Letters
- Paul: Fresh Perspectives
- Scripture and the Authority of God
- Simply Christian
- Surprised by Hope
- The Challenge of Jesus
- The Crown and the Fire
- The Lord and His Prayer
- The Millennium Myth
- The Scriptures, the Cross and the Power of God
- The Way of the Lord: Christian Pilgrimage in the Holy Land and Beyond
- Twelve Months of Sundays: Reflections on Bible Readings, Year A
- Twelve Months of Sundays: Reflections on Bible Readings, Year B
- Twelve Months of Sundays: Reflections on Bible Readings, Year C
- Who Was Jesus?
Benefits of the Logos Bible Software Edition
Logos makes accessing N. T. Wright’s books easier than ever. Results from Wright’s commentaries will appear in your Passage Guide and search reports. All Scripture references in the commentaries are linked back to your preferred Bible translation, which saves you additional steps when you need to jump back and forth between books. All footnotes and cross-references are linked as well, which makes navigation fast and easy. And with lightning-fast search tools, you can find exactly what you need on the text or topic you’re researching.
N. T. Wright Collection (34 vols.)
Retail Price: $502.82
Pre-Pub Price: $329.95
Please visit the website for all the details at:
Have you ever wondered about the Jewish context of the New Testament? Or simply wanted to learn more about aspects of Judaism you’ve read about in the Bible—such as the Passover, synagogues, or rabbinical practices?
The 5-volume Encyclopaedia of Judaism provides a full and reliable account of Judaism, beginning in ancient Israelite times and extending to the present.
These five volumes encompass much of what we know about Judaism. So if you’ve ever wondered about Jewish history, literature, beliefs, observances, and practices, this reference work is the perfect starting point. It is especially helpful for anyone seeking to understand the cultural context of the Old and New Testaments. And at more than 2,500 pages, it’s one of the largest and most comprehensive works on Judaism and the Jewish background to the Bible.
“It has been said that the Christian ignorance of Judaism is one of the great tragicomedies of history. . . . The Encyclopaedia of Judaism will be a splendid resource to combat that epidemic of ignorance, not only for Christians and for neutral observers, but also, I suspect, for an American Judaism that is increasingly in need of finding ways, as the prophet Isaiah admonished, to ‘look under the rock whence ye are hewn.’”
—Jaroslav Pelikan, Sterling Professor Emeritus, Yale University
“I warmly recommend this new Encyclopaedia of Judaism also to Christian readers. The names of the editors and authors guarantee not only high academic standards, but also an intimate understanding of the worldview, the way of life, and the social reality of Judaism both past and present.”
—Hans Küng, Professor Emeritus of Ecumenical Theology, University of Tübingen
This encyclopedia will help you:
- Understand the Jewish context of Jesus’ day
- Illuminate the Jewish practices you read about in the Bible—such as the Passover
- Learn more about modern issues associated with Judaism, including Zionism and contemporary Jewish thought.
It is written for people from all backgrounds, and for both scholars and general readers alike. It addresses topics on history, geography, holy books such as Israelite Scripture and the Dead Sea Scrolls. It also covers Jewish law, ethics, synagogue design, relation to other religions, Jewish mysticism, and much more. In short, The Encyclopaedia of Judaism is the definitive work on what is a living religion, and not merely an ethnic culture or a historical tradition.
“The Encyclopaedia of Judaism is an essential resource for those interested in learning more about Jewish life.”
—Dr. Alfred Gottschalk, President of the Museum of Jewish Heritage, New York
During the month of May, you can add this pre-eminent reference work to your library at a steep discount. Simply enter coupon code MAYJUDAISM at checkout to get the special price. You won’t see this discount on the product page—you need to use the coupon code to get the deal.
What are you waiting for? Add this important reference work to your library today!
The Encyclopaedia of Judaism (5 vols.)
Retail Price: $600.00
NewsWire-Only Special: $299.95
Use coupon code MAYJUDAISM to get the discount.
Please visit the website for all the details at:
There are more than 12,000 books available for Logos Bible Software. Of all of our Old Testament products, this is the number one bestseller.
So why have Logos users chosen this bundle more than any of the thousands of other books on the Old Testament?
5 Reasons It's the Bestselling Old Testament Collection:
1. It boasts a who’s who line-up of scholars.
Richard Averbeck, John D. Currid, David A. deSilva, Terence E. Fretheim, John Goldingay, Scot McKnight, Eugene H. Merrill, Peter Enns, Richard S. Hess, and several other prominent scholars have contributed articles.
2. It’s been recommended by the biggest names in the field.
Temper Longman III calls it “not only informative but also readable” and David Noel Freedman called it “a magnificent achievement.” This dictionary has also received glowing endorsements and reviews from scholars like Robert P. Gordon, John Goldingay, Gary N. Knoppers, and John Barton, to name just a few.
3. It has received several awards.
Some of the most prestigious awards in the Christian publishing industry have been given to the IVP Dictionary of the Old Testament. The volume on the Pentateuch was a Gold Medallion Award Finalist and a Logos Book Award Winner.
4. It’s massive.
This bundle contains over 2,000 pages of in-depth material on the major themes and issues in the Old Testament. Whether you’re a preacher, a professor, or a student, you’ll turn to the IVP Dictionary of the Old Testament as your key reference work.
5. The price.
Even at the regular price of $120.00 and the sale price of $109.95, this dictionary is a fantastic value. During the month of May, we’re making it even better by dropping the price for just a few weeks. Use coupon code MAYIVP to get this 2-volume bundle for $79.95. This deal is even better when you consider how useful this reference work will be once you have it in Logos Bible Software!
Key Features
- In-depth encyclopedia-length coverage of major themes and issues
- Focuses on both the biblical text and the conversation among contemporary scholars
- Informs and challenges with authoritative overviews, detailed examinations and new insights from the world of the ancient Near East
- Includes hundreds of cross-references, extensive bibliographies, subject and Scripture indexes
- Represents the best of evangelical scholarship today
- Introductory articles on ancient Near Eastern written sources pertinent to history of Israel
- Articles on Hebrew, Aramaic and Linguistics as well as interpretive methods, hermeneutics and preaching
- Critically engages the current scholarly quest for the historical Israel
- Valuable, up-to-date bibliographies on all topics
Individual Titles
- Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch
- Dictionary of the Old Testament: Historical Books
Benefits of the Logos Bible Software Edition
The Logos edition gives you lots of features to speed up your research and help you get even more out of this important reference work. All cross-references are linked, which makes navigating between articles simple and easy. For example, in the article on Abel, every mention of Cain is linked to that article, which means you can instantly navigate back and forth between the two. Scripture references are linked in the same way, so you can have your Bible open alongside the dictionary and have the passage open instantly when you click on the reference. Advanced search tools also help you find the exact articles you’re looking for.
IVP Dictionary of the Old Testament Bundle (2 vols.)
Retail Price: $120.00
NewsWire Special: $79.95
Use coupon code MAYIVP to get the discount.
Please visit the website for all the details at:
“Tabletalk has been a wonderful resource in my own daily walk with the Lord.”
—Ravi Zacharias
What do R. C. Sproul, D. A. Carson, Jay Adams, Alistair Begg, Michael S. Horton, John Piper, and John MacArthur have in common?
They’re contributors to one of the world’s top Christian magazines: Tabletalk, which is now on Pre-Pub.
Tabletalk’s contributor list is a veritable who’s who of trusted Christian scholarship. For thirty years Tabletalk has consistently published award-winning issues with Christianity’s most trusted thinkers—and now Logos users can have every issue produced between 1989–2010.
This collection includes articles such as:
- “Rejoice with Trembling” by John Piper
- “Knowing Scripture” by R. C. Sproul
- “Time to (Re)Discover Hebrews” by Sinclair Ferguson
- “Bearing One Another’s Burdens” by John MacArthur
- “Expectant Christians” by Iain Campbell
- “Faith” and “Faithfulness” by D. A. Carson
- “Stand Firm” by Jay Adams
- “Justification and Ecumenism” by Michael Horton
- and thousands more articles!
Just imagine having access to this massive archive of material in your digital library!
Each month, more than 200,000 readers turn to Tabletalk for:
- Respected authors and thought-provoking topics.
Each issue contains challenging, stimulating articles on a wide variety of issues related to theology and Christian living, written by eminently trustworthy authors—names like Sinclair Ferguson, John MacArthur, and R.C. Sproul.
- A Bible study for each day.
Tabletalk’s daily Bible studies offer structure for your devotional life. Bringing the best in biblical scholarship together with down-to-earth writing, Tabletalk helps you understand the Bible and apply it to daily living.
- Commitment to the historic Christian faith.
Tabletalk avoids trends, shallow doctrine, and popular movements to present biblical truth simply and clearly, in keeping with historical Christian faith and orthodoxy.
- Articles which are friendly and approachable to read.
Readers find Tabletalk approachable and inviting, with many saying it’s like having coffee each morning with their favorite teachers.
- A valuable guide to Scripture.
Beyond the daily Bible studies, Tabletalk includes carefully selected daily readings to take you through the Bible in a year.
But don’t take our word for it. Check out what others are saying about Tabletalk:
“Tabletalk has been a key ingredient in the diet of Christians conscious of their spiritual vitality.”
—Michael S. Horton
“Month by month, Tabletalk represents an oasis in a desert of false spirituality, mindless Christianity, and vapid conviction. Tabletalk represents theological rigor, biblical Christianity, and authentic Christian devotion. It is an antidote to the world of superficial Christianity. Read it and grow.”
—R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
What are you waiting for? Pre-order Tabletalk today to make sure you get it at the best price. Then, when it ships, you’ll be one of the first to receive it in your library.
Tabletalk (Feb. 1989–Jan. 2011) (264 Issues)
Retail Price: $485.00
Pre-Pub Price: $199.99
Please visit the website for all the details at:
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Disculpen las Molestias

2007 | CORREO 2007 (193)SC • 11SK • 80EA • 901SC • |
2008 | CORREO 2008 (609)SC • 1566JC • 1135SC • 1134SC |
Antiguedad | Faraones (1) (1158)SC • Faraones (2) (1407)SC • Dinastía (1408)SC • Egyptian pantheon o Dioses egipcios (4922)JC |
TABLA de Greek Mythology
Greek Mythology stub | Ab - Al | Ale - Ant | Ant - Az | B | C | D | E | F - G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q - R | R | S | T | A - K | L - Z | Category:Greek deity stubs (593)EA2 | A | B | C | D | E | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | S | T | U | Z
TABLA de Mitología Romana
TABLA de Otras Ramas de Mitología
TABLA - Religión Católica
- Religión Católica
- Via Crucis desde Roma - 10/04/2009 (Completo) ( Oficiado por su Santidad el Papa Benedicto XVI). Papa Juan Pablo II (Karol Wojtyla). (Rosarium Mysteria Gloriosa | Rosarium Mysteria Doloris
- Rosarium Mysteria Gaudii)
- Category:Roman Catholicism (3219)SK
- Catolicismo (3220)SK
- Pope o Papas (3243)SK 3. Handel: Brockes Passion, HWV 48 / Marcus Creed (OedipusColoneus) (3243)SK 4. Handel: Brockes Passion, HWV 48 / Marcus Creed (OedipusColoneus) (3243)SK
- Category:Popes (3221)SK
- Listado de Papas desde Pedro hasta el presente (738)EA2
- Catholics
- Misa del Santo Padre Benedicto XVI en la Beatificación del Papa Juan Pablo II
- Juan Pablo II, nuevo beato
- Santos Católicos
- Beato Juan Pablo II - Su Peregrinaje y Su Vida - 1978 al 1986
- Catholics
- Sri Garga-Samhita
- Oraciones Selectas al Señor Supremo
- Devotees Vaishnavas
- Dandavat pranams - All glories to Srila Prabhupada
- Hari Katha
- Buddhism
- El Antiguo Egipto I | Archivo Cervantes | Sivananda Yoga
- Neale Donald Walsch
- Otros Apartados
- Mejoras
- juancastaneira - JC
- sricaitanyadas - SC
- srikrishnadas - SK
- elagua2 - EA2
- elagua - EA
- casaindiasricaitanyamahaprabhu - CA