Pope John Paul II Statue Gets Thumbs Down — Rome Journal
A Pope John Paul II statue at the Termini train station in Rome has been criticized to the point that a city commission has been named to rule on it.
May 26, 2011John Paul II Takes a Step Closer to Sainthood
Pope Benedict XVI moved his towering predecessor one step closer to sainthood in a celebratory Mass.
May 2, 2011Like His Papacy, John Paul’s Beatification Proves Polarizing
Benedict waived the traditional five-year wait and began the process just weeks after John Paul’s death, and critics across the Catholic spectrum have questioned the alacrity.
April 29, 2011Hold the Halo
A sorrowful mystery: the ascension of Pope John Paul II.
April 24, 2011Crib Sheet by Henry Alford
Pope John Paul II’s Facebook page; meet the “mean” Conan O’Brien; the White House gate-crasher is kicked off “Celebrity Rehab”; and more.
March 17, 2011An Amelia Island Pilgrimage for 1965 Mercedes Popemobile
A 1965 Mercedes-Benz 600 Pullman limousine commissioned by Pope Paul VI will be displayed during the Amelia Island concours next month, its first time on American soil.
February 23, 2011Vatican: Warning on Ticket Sales
The Vatican issued a rare statement on Friday warning people not to be fooled by agencies and Web sites selling tickets for the beatification of Pope John Paul II.
February 19, 2011Tullia Zevi, Who Led Italian Jewish Community, Is Dead at 91
Ms. Zevi played a major role as the dialogue between the Vatican and the world Jewish community blossomed, and she helped negotiate thorny issues.
January 27, 2011In 1997 Letter, Vatican Warned Irish Bishops on Abuse Policy
In a letter in 1997, officials told Irish bishops not to report priests suspected of abuse to the police or civil authorities.
January 19, 2011Pope John Paul II to Be Beatified May 1
Pope Benedict XVI moved his beloved predecessor one step closer to sainthood on Friday.
January 15, 2011Vatican Preparing New Guidelines to Deal With Sexual Abuse
The new rules emphasize protecting children, cooperating with civil authorities and careful selection of future priests.
November 20, 2010In Rare Memo, Vatican Rebukes Cardinal
A communiqué is proof of a battle inside the Vatican that mirrors the anger over sexual abuse raging outside of it.
June 29, 2010In Abuse Crisis, a Church Is Pitted Against Society and Itself
The Roman Catholic Church is undergoing nothing less than an epochal shift as the sexual abuse crisis continues to unfold.
April 30, 2010The Better Pope
Pope John Paul II let scandals spread beneath his feet, and the uncharismatic Benedict XVI was left to clean them up.
April 12, 2010A Papal Conversion
Nobody at the Vatican did more to confront abuse than the future pope, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.
March 28, 2010Catholic Order Admits Its Founder Abused Boys Over Decades
A powerful religious order, the Legionaries of Christ, expressed “sorrow and grief” to anyone “damaged by our founder’s actions.”
March 27, 2010WORLD BRIEFING | EUROPE; The Vatican: Book Says John Paul Flagellated Himself
Vatican official in charge of process that could lead to sainthood for Pope John Paul II publishes book that states he regularly engaged in practice of mortification, self-infliction of pain, in order to feel closer to God
January 27, 2010Man Who Shot Pope in 1981 Is Freed
Mehmet Ali Agca was released from a Turkish prison on Monday after serving prison terms totaling 29 years, proclaiming that he was “the Christ eternal.”
January 19, 2010Pope Quiz: Is Every Pontiff a Saint?
With Pius XII (controversial) and John Paul II (not very) being fitted for halos, the question of a rush to canonization arises.
January 17, 2010Popes Move Closer to Sainthood
Pope Benedict XVI moved to make two of his predecessors one step closer to sainthood, confirming the virtues of John Paul II and, in a surprise move, those of Pius XII.
Pope John Paul II
For Catholics, a Door to Absolution Is Reopened
Roman Catholic Church is offering indulgences, amnesty from punishment for sin in afterlife, as it moves further from Second Vatican Council and toward more conservative ideology; according to church teaching, sinners who are absolved in confessional and perform penance still face punishment in Purgatory before they can enter heaven; indulgences, granted in exchange for certain prayers or pilgrimages at specific times, reduce or erase punishment with no ceremony or sacrament; purchase of indulg...
February 10, 2009For Catholics, a Door to Absolution Is Reopened
Indulgences are available at several churches in New York City, where many have never heard of them outside history class.
February 10, 2009Healing Schism, Pope Risks Another
Pope Benedict XVI’s recent reconciliation with a controversial bishop captured the theological aspirations and political shortcomings of his four-year-old papacy.
January 26, 2009After 40 Years, a Debate Reverberates
The 40th anniversary of “Humanae Vitae,” the papal encyclical reasserting the Roman Catholic Church’s condemnation of contraception, has come and gone, and the debate continues.
August 2, 2008A Deep Respect for Benedict, but It’s Still True Love for John Paul
When Pope Benedict XVI arrived in New York for the first time as leader of the Roman Catholic Church, he stepped into the very long shadow of his very popular predecessor.
April 20, 2008Our Neighbor, the Pope
Will the Romans someday take to Benedict XVI, as we did John Paul II?
April 18, 2008The View From My Pew
Confessions of an American Catholic: His Holiness and my faith are not wholly connected.
April 13, 2008WORLD BRIEFING | EUROPE; Italy: Pope Benedict Evokes Saintliness of John Paul On Anniversary of Death
Pope Benedict XVI celebrates Mass marking third anniversary of death of John Paul II; evokes possibility of his predecessor's sainthood by praising his 'many human and supernatural' qualities; Vatican normally waits five years after person's death before proclaiming that person was saint, two years ago, Benedict placed John Paul on accelerated schedule for beatification; photo
April 3, 2008Greek Orthodox Leader Dies at 69
Archbishop Christodoulos, the charismatic head of the Greek Orthodox Church, worked to heal grievances with the Roman Catholic Church but stirred controversy with political statements.
January 29, 2008WORLD BRIEFING | EUROPE; Italy: Classic Mercedes For Sale; Previous Owner a Saint
1959 Mercedes-Benz that belonged to Padre Pio, 20th-century monk who was elevated to sainthood in 2002 by Pope John Paul II, will be auctioned in Padua, Italy
October 13, 2007Pope’s Death Is Drawn Into Euthanasia Debate
Over the last week, the Vatican and an Italian physician have sparred over the doctor’s accusation that the pope should have been fitted earlier with a feeding tube.
September 28, 2007Jean-Marie Lustiger, French Cardinal, Dies at 80
Cardinal Lustiger, who was born to Polish Jews, rose to become leader of the French church and an adviser to Pope John Paul II.
August 6, 2007Sergei Antonov, 59, Bulgarian Accused in Plot to Kill a Pope, Is Dead
Mr. Antonov was arrested in 1982 for his so-called connection in the plot to assassinate Pope John Paul II, but was acquitted on all charges for lack of evidence.
August 3, 2007Miracles and the Fast Track to Sainthood
On Easter, a look at what it takes to become a saint.
April 8, 2007World Briefing | Europe: Vatican City: John Paul A Step Closer To Sainthood
Roman Catholic officials formally close investigation into life and virtues of John Paul II, which is milestone in process of elevating late pope to sainthood; Benedict XVI says he can already hear voice of John Paul II among saints; photo
April 3, 2007French Nun Says Church to Rule on Cure by John Paul II
The Vatican’s decision on the veracity of a French nun’s story of being cured of Parkinson’s disease is crucial to making Pope John Paul II a saint.
March 31, 2007Nun Who Claims Cure by John Paul II Emerges to Make Her Case
A French nun testified to the Vatican that she was miraculously cured of Parkinson’s disease after praying to the late Pope John Paul II.
Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, accused mastermind of 9/11 attacks, confesses to them and to more than 30 other terror attacks or plots during military tribunal hearing at Guantanamo Bay; Pentagon releases rambling statement in which Mohammed expresses regret for killing children but calls himself revolutionary and adds that 'language of war is victims'; this is first time he spells out in his own words panoply of global terror activities, ranging from plans to bomb landmarks in New York City and Londo...
March 15, 2007World Briefing | Europe: Vatican City: John Paul II Pondered Quitting In 2000, Aide Says
Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, personal secretary of Pope John Paul II, says in new book that John Paul discussed possibility of resigning in 2000 as his health grew worse
January 23, 2007Poland Makes Witch Hunting Easier
Today in Poland, what may look like an effort to reconcile with the Communist past is an assault on reconciliation and a generational bid for power.
Pope John Paul II
In Poland, New Wave of Charges Against Clerics
New allegations of secret-police collaborators among Poland’s clergy members have further sullied an institution considered spotless in the fight against Communism.
January 10, 2007Satirical Humor Aimed at the Vatican Strikes a Nerve
Msgr. Georg Gänswein, Pope Benedict XVI’s secretary, has suddenly found himself the butt of jokes in the Italian news media.
November 18, 2006Saints That Weren’t
Most Americans probably don’t know the name of the newest American saint, or that she was mistreated by the church that she served so faithfully.
November 1, 2006Seismic Task for Korean Assuming U.N. Mantle
The Korean question will inevitably top the agenda of Ban Ki-moon, the South Korean foreign minister who will succeed Kofi Annan.
October 14, 2006For 4th Time, Pope Clarifies Islam Remark
Many non-Muslims, though, said they were glad the pope spoke out about violence and Islam.
September 21, 2006Pope Calls West Divorced From Faith, Adding a Blunt Footnote on Jihad
In a speech, the pope said jihadi violence is contrary to reason and God’s plan.
September 13, 2006In Poland, Pope Speaks of Quick Sainthood for John Paul II
On Saturday, Benedict XVI suggested that Poland's favorite son would live on as a saint and said he hoped it would happen soon.
May 28, 2006In Poland, Pope Benedict Endorses Sainthood for John Paul II
Benedict has shown no sign of elevating John Paul to sainthood, but his words in Poland implied that sainthood is likely.
May 27, 2006Vatican Disciplines Founder of Order Over Abuse Charges
The founder of the Legionaries of Christ was asked to give up his public ministry in favor of a quiet life of "prayer and penitence."
May 20, 2006The Road to Canonization Is Paved With Humanity
Why John Paul II seems destined to be a saint.
April 2, 2006Pope's Shooting Laid to Soviets by Italian Panel
A parliamentary commission has concluded that top Soviet leaders were behind the failed plot to kill Pope John Paul II in 1981.
March 3, 2006From the House of Benedict, Tradition as Chic
IN his first public mass as pope last April, Benedict XVI spoke at length of the symbols of his new office. Church watchers took note, too: The design of one item he wore harked back 13 centuries, a choice some experts took as a sign that this pope might also restore tradition to Catholic ritual and rite.
February 19, 2006His Release Voided, Man Who Shot Pope Is Arrested by Turks
Mehmet Ali Agca was re-arrested after Turkey's supreme court overruled a lower court verdict that made his early release possible last week.
January 21, 2006Pope's Freed Attacker Does Not Check in With Turkish Police
Mehmet Ali Agca, the man who tried to assassinate John Paul II in 1981, has not made required daily check-ins with the Istanbul police since his release from a Turkish prison on Thursday.
January 15, 2006Look Back in Relief
John Lewis Gaddis revisits the cold war, and shivers at how things could have turned out.
January 15, 2006Turk Who Shot Pope in 1981 to Be Released From Prison
Mehmet Ali Agca, the gunman who wounded Pope John Paul II, has finished serving a prison term on charges in another case.
January 9, 2006Devotional
Peggy Noonan's book is a valentine sent to a man she knew mainly from watching television, written in the idiom of spiritual gush.
December 18, 2005A Monumental Man of God: Two Takes on the Life of John Paul II
Both films do their best to pay homage to an extraordinary figure and manage to do so in ways that are neither absurd nor embarrassing.
December 1, 2005On TV, Pope Praises John Paul at Anniversary
In a television interview commemorating the anniversary of the election as pope of John Paul II, Benedict XVI spoke about the legacy of his predecessor.
October 17, 2005For the Anti-Evolutionists, Hope in High Places
Look East or West and you can detect the rumblings from an irreconcilable divide between science and religion.
Pope John Paul II
Two Visions of the Man Who Would Become Pope
Two movies on Pope John Paul II are in the works and both ABC and CBS have chosen different angles to portray the first Polish pontiff.
September 28, 2005New Vatican Rule Said to Bar Gays as New Priests
Homosexuals, even those who are celibate, will be barred from becoming Roman Catholic priests, a church official said.
September 22, 2005Vatican Releases Official Record of Pope John Paul II's Final Days
The Vatican has published a meticulous account of Pope John Paul II's final days, vividly describing his last hours.
September 19, 2005Aide to Pope John Paul Recalls His Last Hours
In a TV interview, Archbishop Stanislaw Dziwisz said Pope John Paul II was calm in the face of death.
August 27, 2005Youthful Throngs Cheer Pope at Cologne Faith Festival
Benedict XVI returned Thursday to his "beloved homeland" of Germany, cheered on by tens of thousands of young Catholics for a huge festival of faith.
August 19, 2005Finding Design in Nature
The Catholic Church's official stance on evolution.
July 7, 2005'Universal Father' and 'The Pontiff in Winter': The Loneliest Job
A pope who criticizes communism and capitalism risks a certain unpopularity, as these two books reveal.
May 15, 2005Pope Names U.S. Archbishop to Oversee Church Doctrine
Also, Pope Benedict XVI said he would speed up the process to make his popular predecessor, John Paul II, a saint.
May 14, 2005The Vatican's Sin of Omission
Why didn't the Roman Catholic Church speak out against Hitler?
May 14, 2005The Pope Without a Country
Pope Benedict XVI is close to God, but far from Germany.
April 30, 2005Keeping Great Crowds Off Central Park's Great Lawn
Proposed new rules for the Great Lawn would end an era in which hundreds of thousands of people turned to the park as a place to protest and attend concerts.
April 27, 2005Reminders of John Paul Are Everywhere in the Festivities
The memory of John Paul II lay draped over the installation of his successor, Benedict XVI, in ways profound and personal.
April 25, 2005New Pope, Same Crisis
If Pope Benedict XVI stays true to his moral absolutism, the Vatican could take a stronger stance against priests who have molested children.
April 24, 2005For a Figure on High, Homage From the 'Hood
Graffiti artists in Manhattan paid tribute to Pope John Paul II with murals.
April 24, 2005Meeting With Cardinals, Benedict Offers Reminders of His Predecessor's Service and Legacy
More than 150 cardinals kissed the pope's hand and chatted briefly with him under the sweeping frescoes of Clementine Hall, where mourners first saw John Paul II's body after his death.
April 23, 2005Young Europeans Seek a Papal Dialogue
Students who confronted Pope John Paul II about such topics as birth control and liberation theology are now looking to his successor for answers.
April 23, 2005New Debate Is Sought on Use of Condoms to Fight AIDS
A rising number of Catholics, in the Vatican and outside, are urging the new pope to revisit condom use in the fight against AIDS.
April 22, 2005Striving for Continuity, Pope Reappoints Senior Officials
Pope Benedict XVI reappointed his secretary of state and kept leaders of the church's bureaucracy in place.
April 22, 2005In Selection of New Pope, Third World Loses Out
The selection of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger disappointed those who were hoping for a pope from the developing world, while conservatives were enthusiastic.
April 20, 2005Rome's Radical Conservative
The new pope's first concern is liberty, in all its facets.


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TABLA de Greek Mythology
Greek Mythology stub | Ab - Al | Ale - Ant | Ant - Az | B | C | D | E | F - G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q - R | R | S | T | A - K | L - Z | Category:Greek deity stubs (593)EA2 | A | B | C | D | E | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | S | T | U | Z
TABLA de Mitología Romana
TABLA de Otras Ramas de Mitología
TABLA - Religión Católica
- Religión Católica
- Via Crucis desde Roma - 10/04/2009 (Completo) ( Oficiado por su Santidad el Papa Benedicto XVI). Papa Juan Pablo II (Karol Wojtyla). (Rosarium Mysteria Gloriosa | Rosarium Mysteria Doloris
- Rosarium Mysteria Gaudii)
- Category:Roman Catholicism (3219)SK
- Catolicismo (3220)SK
- Pope o Papas (3243)SK
- Category:Popes (3221)SK
- Listado de Papas desde Pedro hasta el presente (738)EA2
- Catholics
- Misa del Santo Padre Benedicto XVI en la Beatificación del Papa Juan Pablo II
- Juan Pablo II, nuevo beato
- Santos Católicos
- Beato Juan Pablo II - Su Peregrinaje y Su Vida - 1978 al 1986
- Catholics
3. Handel: Brockes Passion, HWV 48 / Marcus Creed (OedipusColoneus) (3243)SK 4. Handel: Brockes Passion, HWV 48 / Marcus Creed (OedipusColoneus) (3243)SK
- Sri Garga-Samhita
- Oraciones Selectas al Señor Supremo
- Devotees Vaishnavas
- Dandavat pranams - All glories to Srila Prabhupada
- Hari Katha
- Buddhism
- El Antiguo Egipto I | Archivo Cervantes | Sivananda Yoga
- Neale Donald Walsch
- Otros Apartados
- Mejoras
- juancastaneira - JC
- sricaitanyadas - SC
- srikrishnadas - SK
- elagua2 - EA2
- elagua - EA
- casaindiasricaitanyamahaprabhu - CA